Bre Petrunko Каспийский Груз - Табор уходит в небо Perunika Trio

Список песен исполнителя Perunika Trio

Perunika Trio - Bre Petrunko (Каспийский Груз - Табор уходит в небо)

Исполнитель: Perunika Trio

Название: Bre Petrunko (Каспийский Груз - Табор уходит в небо)

Читали раз: 782

Текст песни:

Bre Petrunko, malay mome
Hey Petrunka, young girl

Vse yodime yobidome
We've gone all over

Nigde yoro ne naydo me
Nowhere did we find a dance

V vashe selo dor tri yora
In your village there are three dances

Parvo yoro Petrunkino
The first dance is little Petrunka's

Petrunitsa yoro vodi
Little Petrunka leads the dance

Yozdol ide ludo mlado
Up came a wild fellow

Ne se fana na sredata
He doesn't go to the middle

Nay se fana na tanetso
But he joins at the head

Na tanetso do Petrunka
At the head by Petrunka

S per iko si kitka roni
He tears her bouquet with his forehead

S nozde si yi ekli kalya
He muddies her slippers with his feet.


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